8 - Col di Prà

Posted in Air Trail

 8 Col di Prà (843 m a.s.l.) - The North Edge of Agnèr

"... the grandiose architecture of the Dolomites surges with terrible force - looking form the bottom of the valley, one has to twist one's head upwards in order to take it all in. Monte Agnèr looms with its peak of a kilometre and a half; in front and beyond the more modest but by no means less charming stream are the walls of Pale di San Lucano. Less than 2900 metres high, the peak itself doesn't amount to much in terms of height. But what other Alpine cathedral can boast such apse? When it blazes in the setting sun and the pale clouds begin to engulf it slowly, one is charmed into believing that such sight could not possibly exist."

Dino Buzzati, Cordata di tre (A Roped Team of Three), in “Corriere della Sera”, June 23, 1956.

11 - The “U-shape” section

Posted in Air Trail

11 The “U-shape” section (1088 m a.s.l.) - Panoramic view between Terza Pala and Agnèr

Slightly upstream from the crossroads between the CAI path and the military road to Pont, the visitor can admire a postcard-perfect portion of the San Lucano Valley with its quaint U-shaped profile, tucked between the Terza Pala and Agnèr. The section is 3000 metres wide and 2100 metres deep.

It has a slightly asymmetric build, its left side being steeper as its strata are running counter to the slope, whereas its right side is less inclined thanks to its dip slope strata and the landslide deposits at the base.

A picturesque view over the San Lucano Valley with its classic “U” shape is revealed just before reaching Pont; Pale di S. Lucano on the left and Agnèr on the right (Photo DG). A picturesque view over the San Lucano Valley with its classic “U” shape is revealed just before reaching Pont; Pale di S. Lucano on the left and Agnèr on the right (Photo DG).

14 - Casera Campigat

Posted in Air Trail

14 Casera Campigat (1801 m a.s.l.) - The cliff escarpment

Despite its rudimentary equipment, the hut (1801 metres above sea level) can provide the visitor with sufficient shelter in case of need. In the surroundings of Casera Campigat (Sass Negher, Campo Boaro, Val delle Camorze, Coston della Vena) there emerge igneous rocks (pillow lava) allowing us to observe directly their coming into contact with dolomite rocks. This is an area that abounds in various minerals quartz, analcime, heulandite, chalcedony and even native copper.

The Pass Cesurette and Casera Campigat, beyond the ridge the village of Garès appears; the twisting military road can be seen cresting towards the dairy; the path proceeds following the ridge to the right. In the foreground to the left can be identified the tectonic contact of the right transcurrent fault between the light-coloured rocks of the cliff escarpment and the dark-coloured reshaped pillow lava (photo Lucio D'Alberto).  The Pass Cesurette and Casera Campigat, beyond the ridge the village of Garès appears; the twisting military road can be seen cresting towards the dairy; the path proceeds following the ridge to the right. In the foreground to the left can be identified the tectonic contact of the right transcurrent fault between the light-coloured rocks of the cliff escarpment and the dark-coloured reshaped pillow lava (photo Lucio D'Alberto).

15 - Casera ai Doff

Posted in Air Trail

15 Casera ai Doff (1878 m a.s.l.) - The Marmolada Conglomerate

A view from the path towards mountain pass Caoz and onte. Caoz (Monte Fernazza Formation), Lastei di Pape and Casera ai Doff (photo DG). A view from the path towards mountain pass Caoz and onte. Caoz (Monte Fernazza Formation), Lastei di Pape and Casera ai Doff (photo DG).

The visitor is offered a spectacular view over the Agnèr chain and the enormous glacier cirque of Val d’Angheràz from the mountain pass Caoz (1944). The tectonic impact in the shaping of the local landscape is obvious - the ravines etched into the transcurrent faults with their vertical fault planes along the ridge from Spiz d'Agnèr to Croda Granda.



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